We use our team of falcons to control and clear flocks of birds which cause major damage to fruit. We currently work with leading UK wine producers and cherry growers.
Hawking is such a fantastic way of abating problem birds, because it mirrors the natural predator-prey relationship that has developed over millions of years of evolution. Pest birds will adapt to other methods of abatement, like gas cannons and bangers, with the lure of the fruit soon proving greater than the initial perceived risk from the noise, quickly resulting in these methods becoming ineffective. With falconry, the constant threat posed by the presence of a bird of prey in flight means that the risk of feeding is simply too great.
As well as this, hawking has the advantage of being completely eco-friendly and sustainable. We do not need to hunt the problem birds to clear them. The presence of a predatory bird over your vineyard is enough to deter them.
We primarily carry out our work on cherry orchards and vineyards, but the use of birds of prey can be applied to any fruit growing where flocks of birds result in loss in revenue.
We are able to supply references/testimonials for our work on request.