We carry out work in London, as well as towns & cities across the South East and beyond.
Our work is completely eco-friendly and safe, as well as efficient. We use natural predator-prey relationships, clearing problem birds from their roosts and over the course of our visits establishing our hawk's territory, showing them that it is too dangerous to return and nest.
The birds of prey you'll normally see us fly on sites in the city are Harris hawks - their manoeuvrability helps us to access wherever the problem birds are, while their easy-going nature means they adapt well to flying in busy city environments. Some larger sites have enough space to allow us to fly falcons.
We are able to carry out our work discretely, or alternatively we can also include educational displays to teach residents or visitors about our birds of prey and their role on site. Each visit is planned and booked in advance, and after each visit, a detailed dedicated report is provided.
We also work closely with a leading pest control company, allowing us to use a combination of proofing and other methods alongside our hawking work. This ensures that we achieve the desired results and find the most cost effective solution in each individual case. All work is carried out under licenses and guidelines set out by DEFRA and Natural England, and any additional licenses are applied for if required.
Our city sites include:
Urban rooftops can provide a perfect environment for gulls and pigeons to nest and roost. Gulls can be highly defensive of their nesting site, causing safety issues for anyone having to work or access the roof. Fouling caused by both pigeons and gulls can quickly build up, resulting in a health hazard.
Industrial estates can attract both gulls and pigeons, to feed and roost. At larger industrial sites, we utilise our falcons to circle the site at a few hundred feet, resulting in all pest birds for miles around being aware of a predator’s presence.
Marinas can be a haven for gulls, and flocks of starlings may also use them as roosting sites, causing potential health risk and damage to boats and equipment.
Gaining experience by working alongside falconers running an abatement programme at a major airport in Mexico, we are able to fly our hawks and falcons to ensure that birds are cleared from runways and the surrounding area, preventing bird strike. As well as this we are able to clear roosts of pigeons from hangars where their fouling can cause severe damage to aircraft.
Our large falcons are able to clear huge populations of gull that feed on landfill, preventing the associated fouling and disease risk as well as problems caused for nearby areas. Daily flights and presence of our birds ensures that the landfill is viewed as too dangerous for the gulls to feed on.
Golf courses and arenas can provide a perfect environment for large populations of pest birds to establish. We've previously carried out successful clearance of large groups of corvids that were causing extensive damage to grass feeding on grubs during the summer months, and reductions in rabbit and squirrel populations, again causing damage to the ground and trees. Prior to sports tournaments we're able to clear birds that would otherwise cause fouling at the event.